belligerent ghouls
went to the smiths/morrissey convention at the henry ford in hollywood last night. it was all right. not bad. some cute girls. one girl was wearing a tight skirt + she had the biggest, roundest, hottest ass i've seen in a while. okay, sorry. i just had to write that out.
i've never understood wearing a band tee to a show/convention/whatever of the band you're seeing. i mean, isn't it a given that you're into them? but it was just a sea of smiths/morrissey tees wherever you looked. i was rocking my red circa '70s miles davis funk tee. stuck out like a sore thumb. well, that + the fact that i was, like, one of the only four black guys there. there were some real hipster douches there, though. couple of karen o look-alikes. i didn't actually think people really copied her look. thought that was just something journalists exaggerated. but what else do you expect in h-wood? anyway, when we arrived there, my brother said, "uh oh, we're not dressed cool enough," and i said, "speak for yrself, bitch-- it doesn't get any more goddamn cooler than miles."
"good point."
of course, i wound up hanging w/ these girls who didn't have any cigarettes. so we all took turns bumming off others, then sharing between the three of us (my brother doesn't smoke). one of the girls was all, "you don't toss salads or anything, do you?" and i was like, "yeah, sure," + then she freaked + wouldn't let me drag. so i had to lie + say, "oh, i'm only kidding." not only do i toss salads, but there were some salads i saw last night i'd like to have tossed.
i had eyeball-sex w/ a couple of girls. all of them were hot, but they were w/ their boyfriends. one in particular stood out. i was in the back, watching the cover band, and this dude w/ his girlfriend walks by me. she's holding his hand, walking behind him a little bit. i'm looking at her because she's pretty cute, she meets my gaze, looks away, then looks back at me and eyeballs my ass hard for a few good moments before she was gone. there are casual glances, there are absentminded gazes, there are curious looks, and then there's that look + there was no mistaking it.
so it was cool.
choadfork media
unsurprisingly, i'm no fan of pitchfork media. to put it succinctly, they're wrong. so, yawn, is it any wonder i find their list of 100 greatest videos sadly lacking? now, i could easily be missing it, but i swear that i did not see what is possibly the best music video ever: don fucking henley's boys of summer. if i glossed over it, please let me know. because as i see it, this list has zero credibility w/ out that video. i won't even go into the scores of other videos these sons of whores didn't include, but how can you have a list of the 100 greatest videos w/ out don fucking henley?
miles davis quintet, 1964, playing so what
definitely one of the best renditions of this tune. herbie hancock doesn't look a day older than 13. i love it. absolutely in the top 3 greatest bands ever, and the other two feature miles + coltrane and miles + bird.
wait, wait-- here it comes. the inevitable din of the blogosphere:
dep II
dillinger playing sugar coated sour live. it's pretty much a no-brainer why i think these guys are the best band working today.
more propagandhi live
this time the boys are rocking back to the motor league + haille sellasse, up your ass. as a former zine distro dude, i gotta say, "fuck off! who cares!? about yr stupid scenes, yr shitty zines + strawmen you build up to burn," is just too goddamn hilarious + spot-on. i love "glenn's" lament about dave mustaine becoming a born-again at the end. mustaine was much cooler when he was a junkie.
propagandhi live
playing a speculative fiction in arizona (or as they would say it, "arizoner"). props to "glenn" + todd for rocking megadeth + dio tees, respectively.
i hope brookers NEVER fixes the gap in her teeth
this is a brooker's newscast. it's actually pretty funny. i usually think the same shit when i watch the news. the myspace, bird flu, and weather bits were epsecially spot-on. the subtext of all news broadcasts is death. we're all going to die. i think a similar current runs through most, if not all, political discourse. we're all going to die if something isn't done about so-and-so, etc. by the way, birth causes cancer.
"hey! ya got the time?"

today is gena rowlands' birthday. i have no idea how old she is, though. this image is from a woman under the influence, captured + uploaded by someone at the reverse shot site. you should go there + read an essay on a woman under the influence.
related: reverse shot is one of the few decent film sites out there. they're spot-on in eviscerating that fucking blowhard asshole armond "kill all nihilists" white. and they haven't gulped down the sparkling kool-aid offered by the burgeoning cult ov bujalski. however, they seem to have some kind of bone to pick w/ boston u's ray carney, which i don't get since carney is one of the few who knows his shit, sees through the pablum, and refuses to pull any punches about what's what. not to mention his tireless championing of cassavetes' work. and, you know, that whole tracking-down-and-finding-that-rare-cut-of-shadows thing. i definitely do not agree w/ everything carney says, but so what? (for example: i couldn't disagree w/ him more when it comes to bujalski.) he relishes differences of opinion. what i like about him is that he actually has arguments for why one film is better than another, as opposed to, "well, it's just my taste, blah blah." having said that, though, he doesn't seem interested in fighting against the system and tearing it down. he knows that revolutions just replace one system w/ another + before you know it people will be revolting against what was once the fringe. personally, i think it's great that there are popcorn movies + the last thing in the world i'd want is a cinema full of jim jarmusches. but that doesn't mean that i'm going to go netflix aquamarine or whatever. i'm reasonably certain that movie sucks.
public image ltd. - death disco
public image limited: the most underrated band of the past 30 years? quite possibly. death disco/swan lake is an incredible song. creepy, anguished, heartbroken, angry, etc. and you can dance to it.
this is how you play live
metallica playing master of puppets during the same tour. again, amazing. of particular note is hetfield who has probably never been in finer form. his rhythm + voice are phenomenal. there's a real palpable anger, bordering on rage, during these performances. the death of cliff burton brought out a welter of emotion in the band + they emblazoned it on their collective sleeve. they were a goddamn punishing machine during this tour. "incendiary" doesn't quite cut it.
metallica playing blackened
this is during the damaged justice tour, '89. amazing. real shame what they've become. i saw them in '98 + it was a decent show. they played a lot of old shit, like motorbreath + fight fire w/ fire. they opened w/ breadfan + played puppets in its entirety (as opposed to stopping at the interlude). i've been to a lot of shows + i've seen my fair share of metal + death metal bands play, but goddamn, none of them come close to metallica in the late '80s. i'd say the only thing better, musicianship + performance-wise, would be the jazz bands i've seen.
totally prefer this to the studio version. one, because the energy + ferocity is out of control. two, because you can actually hear newsted's bass.