like bacon stuck to tile
Watch David Letterman rag on Harmony Korine. And watch Harmony laugh.
Clue Chick talks body language:
I usually start with a handshake, unless we've been talking online a lot, in which case, I may start with a hug. Neither of these should be taken as particularly indicative of anything, though; pay more attention to how I say goodbye at the end of the meeting.
If you touch me and I smile or blush, you're good.
If you touch me and I give you a pinched smile, or don't seem to respond at all, stop touching me, because I don't like it.
If you touch me and I move away, pay your bill and leave, because I'm about to.
If I touch you on the shoulder or arm, I like you and I'm trying to send you that signal.
If I touch you on the hand or knee, I'm ready to take you home.
If you tell a really lame joke and I laugh, it's probably a good sign, but I laugh easily, so maybe not. If you tell a good joke and I don't laugh, though, it's a bad sign.
If my cell phone rings and I ignore it, I'm not expecting an important call and I think it's rude to take phone calls when i'm on a date. If I take the call without explaining that it's unavoidable, I'm bored and I'm looking forward to ending our date. If I make a call, it's not going anywhere.
When we're saying goodbye, if I hug you, you'll definitely get another date. If I shake your hand, I have to think about it, but probably not. If I avoid shaking your hand by gathering up my stuff, we're not going to see each other again.
LOS ANGELES - Tens of thousands of students walked out of school in California and other states Monday, waving flags and chanting slogans in a second week of protests against legislation to crack down on illegal immigrants.
I have trouble sleeping. Well, at night I do. During the day I can fall asleep anywhere at the drop of a hat. I used to fall asleep at my old job all the time. I think this is why my boss was reluctant to give me manuscripts to proofread. Sit me in front of a computer and I'm out. But at night I feel really awake. I got into this rhythm of falling asleep around 7:00 pm and waking up around 9:00 and staying up till sunrise. If I ever live with someone again, it could never be with someone who's out by 11:00. That's how Lucy was and it bothered me. Going to bed at 11:00 is like wearing sweats: it's giving up.
I'm glad I don't have a way to contact any of my old dealers because I want to get high out of my fucking mind right now.
According to the Political Compass, I am:
Both an economic dimension and a social dimension are important factors for a proper political analysis. By adding the social dimension you can show that Stalin was an authoritarian leftist (ie the state is more important than the individual) and that Gandhi, believing in the supreme value of each individual, is a liberal leftist. While the former involves state-imposed arbitary collectivism in the extreme top left, on the extreme bottom left is voluntary collectivism at regional level, with no state involved. Hundreds of such anarchist communities exisited in Spain during the civil war period
You can also put Pinochet, who was prepared to sanction mass killing for the sake of the free market, on the far right as well as in a hardcore authoritarian position. On the non-socialist side you can distinguish someone like Milton Friedman, who is anti-state for fiscal rather than social reasons, from Hitler, who wanted to make the state stronger, even if he wiped out half of humanity in the process.
The chart also makes clear that, despite popular perceptions, the opposite of fascism is not communism but anarchism (ie liberal socialism), and that the opposite of communism ( i.e. an entirely state-planned economy) is neo-liberalism (i.e. extreme deregulated economy).
-- Name: Aaron
My favorite band in the world, The Arctic Monkeys, were on SNL this past weekend and, wow, they're even gayer on TV. The singer/guitarist had his axe hiked up to his chin and sported that sweet Liam Gallagher shaggy bowlcut circa '97.
The fundamental tenet of rockism is that some forms of popular music, and some musical artists, are more authentic than others. More specifically, authentic popular music fits the rock and roll paradigm; it is made using the basic rock instrumentation of guitars, bass guitars and drums, and fits the structures of a rock and roll song. Rockism is suspicious of the use of technology, from synthesizers to Pro Tools-style computer-based production systems. Rockism places value on the idea of the composer and performer as auteur; authentic music is composed as a sincere form of self-expression, and usually performed by those who composed it. This is as opposed to the notion of manufactured "pop" music, created in assembly line fashion by teams of hired producers and technicians and performed by pop stars who have little input into the creative process, designed to appeal to a mass market and make profits rather than express authentic sentiments.
Tried other friend or dating sites only to be disappointed? You know the drill. You go on the site, you see a HOT picture, you talk and then.... You meet in person. Turns out that "HOT picture" was a glamor shots photo from 6 years ago and besides it was just a head shot anyways.
Yeah, it's happened to us. That's why we created PodDater.
PodDater is a new way to find a friend or a date. You make a video profile, add it to your profile, share it with others and you download video profiles to your iPod.
Grandmother's funeral was this morning. It was okay, I guess. I was one of the pallbearers.
Grandmother died today. Around 4:00 this morning. Just saw her last night. Her skin was really cold. She was asleep and could hardly breathe. She hadn't eaten anything for about two weeks and stopped eliminating on Friday. She would've been 94 on the 12th. I guess I was close with her. Or as close as anyone can be in this family. No one's really close in this family. I'm glad my cousin and aunt still totally hate each other and found the joy in telling each other to fuck off last night while grandmother lay in her deathbed. That was just amazing.
The other night I'm talking with this girl named Chrissy on AIM. She wants to send me some new pictures so I say cool. She sends them and I say, "Cool, thanks." Okay, me and Chrissy aren't together or anything. As far as I know she doesn't like me. So I don't understand what happens next. She says, "I'm sorry for sending the pix. I knew I shouldn't have sent them." I ask her why she's saying that and she says never mind. I ask her what's wrong and she says she's going to go. I ask her to wait and tell me what's the matter, but she just repeats that she's going to go. So I say okay and tell her I'll talk to her later. But she doesn't sign out. I'm not really in the mood to play this game with her; I wish she would just say it. I know she's mad at me because I didn't compliment her, not her pictures per se, but her. So our chat window just sits there for like ten minutes until it starts blinking. Again, she's saying that she's sorry for sending the pictures and I tell her she shouldn't be sorry about that. Then she mocks me by typing "'cool, thx.'" I laugh and type, "You're really annoyed with me, aren't you?" She says that she is and then says, "Just kidding." I tell her that I doubt she's kidding and this is where it gets ugly. She tells me that she is annoyed with me, that I'm a "total asshole" and that I always go out of my way to be one. She tells me that the reason I'm single again is because no one can deal with how big an asshole I am. She tells me that she's a nice person and that she's always there for me, but that I'm always just a dick to her. I don't know what to say, so I say nothing, which just bothers her more. I mean, what do you say to something like that? There's not much you can say that'll ameliorate the problem at that point. I understand she's really mad at me and I know I can be a really, really difficult person to know. She tells me that she wishes I would just say one nice thing about her. I tell her, "Chrissy, you always think I'm bullshitting you whenever I say something nice, so it's difficult for me to say anything nice to you now." She disputes this, but I counter by pointing out that she said exactly that just the other night. She tells me to say something nice to her, but now I feel that it will be completely fake since she is telling me to. She doesn't say anything for a while and then this huge block of text appears, wherein she says that when she first met me she liked me a lot and that she was "totally infatuated" with me because I was "mysterious," but also "genuine." But now I'm just a "total asshole" who's "impossible to figure out." She tells me that she's a good person, which she is. She tells me she deserves a lot better, which she does.
I spent Saturday maxin' n' chillaxin' in Chinatown with my brother. Goddamn, those motherfuckers are out of control with the party snaps. Shit's funny when you're 10, not 27. "5 boxes for a $1," bro said (or is it 6 boxes?). It's cool, but I was saving up for cigs. Anyway, my brother worked my ass like a dog, walking all over Chinatown looking for some goddamned mug he saw in some dingy-ass shop months ago. Surprisingly, he didn't find the mug. And man it was colder than shit outside! When did LA turn into Portland for crissake? (It's supposed to rain most of the week, which means everything is going to flood and we're all going to die.)
Clue Chick ruminates on her status as a slut:
I was recently talking to a friend of mine about the realization that, you know what? I'm pretty slutty. I haven't had any particular hangups about the concept of slut, or sluttiness for quite some time. A lot of the women I spend time with happily identify as sluts, or as having been slutty in the past, and that's something they're quite comfortable with.
For a long time, I was a "good girl" by almost anyone's definition of the term, and for some of that time, that was important to me, that I be good, by some external, socially accepted metric, even if I rejected that metric when applied to other people.
I had a man, recently, after a play date with me, tell me that it was fun, but he didn't really like sluts, so it was only a one-time thing. This, as you might imagine, left me flabbergasted. I make no bones about being a slut, or being easy; after all, I post it on the internet, specifically with the intent of practicing my sluttish arts of fucking and sucking. So, to him, apparently, a slut is good once. Needless to say, this pissed me off.
What's the male equivalent of a slut? That certainly would apply to him, no? One of the things that drives me crazy in the gender politics of casual sex, is the double standard: a woman who engages in casual sex is dirty, or bad, but a man who does the same is a stud, admirable.
Do you go out with a slut, or do you keep her at home? She's good for a lay, but not for a date, where people might see you with her, perhaps?
Have I mentioned that I fucking hate The Arctic Monkeys? "I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor" is the worst song in recorded music history. It's the sound of someone putting a shotgun to your ear and farting before pulling the trigger. It's everything that is inexcusably wrong with Western culture. It is big, dumb, absurd, simple, lumbering, rehashed, safe, and completely devoid of objective substance. It is what put Bush in the White House. It is what fuels Bill O'Reilly's popularity. It is the same sort of nebulous blandness that has carried a wholly unremarkable, yet simple-minded and didactic filmmaker like Steven Spielberg into the dubious annals of "cinematic greatness." It is what propelled Ashlee Simpson's career into the limelight. It is that nameless, shapeless force. It is not malevolence, but assuring and lukewarm. It is popular and sycophantic. It is mediocrity.
I didn't sleep much last night. Maybe an hour or so. It rained all night and for whatever reason the rain excites me. It was a warm sub-tropical storm with decent winds and fat rain drops.